If you are visiting Huajuapam Leon in the area of "la Mixteca" is important not to overlook those places that provide ecological relaxation for those that wants to avoid the city issues such as the stress of traffic or pollution.
Los espacios estan bien asegurados por un camino de cemento que permite al visitante disfrutar la vista del rio y el mismo cañon, en puntos del andador se puede uno desviar para descender al rio.
The trails are secured by a concrete walkway that allows visitors to enjoy the view of the river and the same gorge, there are some spots for making the walker easely diverted and descend to the river.
Al parecer en las cuevas que se pueden ver desde el andador hay pinturas rupestres que no he podido constatar, tal vez alguién que sepa puede mandar un comentario al respecto.
Apparently in the caves that can be seen from the path there is some cave paintings, but I haven't been in the caves yet.
Al final de la caminata es recomendable visitar Yosocuta muy cerca de Huajuapan donde se puede disfrutar de las mojarras frescas de la misma presa.
At the end of your trip I recommended you to visit Yosocuta that is very close to Huajuapan where you can enjoy fresh breams for eating.